Thursday, March 13, 2008

weird night

So its been normal for me to wake up atleast 2-3 times during the night to go to the bathroom, but this particular night I woke up 3 times due to other things. First it was my own obnoxious laugh. I have no idea what I was dreaming about but I just remember waking up because it was so loud. I continued to laugh once I was awake, still having no clue why i was even laughing in the first place. The next morning we remembered David waking up and asking me what was so funny? Every once in a while I'll think about it and just start cracking up b/c it was such a weird annoying laugh.

Then later on i woke up b/c i could have sworn someone lit my hands on fire. I don't know if this is normal in pregnancies or what, but I've never had this feeling before. So i grabbed this bottle of lotion and just held it b/c it felt cold for like 5 minutes and then my hands were hot again. I finally got up and ran them under cold water.

I ended up going back to sleep and then waking up for the third time that night thinking "why is david doing that??" So after i asked him and then realizing he was sound asleep, i figured out he wasn't actually under my side poking me but rather the baby kicking.

Friday, March 7, 2008

more preggy pics...

i just want to say that i love being pregnant. if the feeling of baby o'malley squirming and kicking all day in my belly is this amazing, i can't imagine how perfect it will be to actually hold him! what a little miracle.

27 weeks

david thinks he was number one because he finally beat me at yahtzee. too bad i helped him decide what to do through the whole game. love you honey!

and Jen this is really our house you goofball

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our First House...

here are the pics of our messy house i promised you sister!

haha....yeah right! maybe someday =)

baby o'malleys room...yes i'm planning on getting rid of the flowers and pink =(

our room...

the potty room...don't be jealous of the wallpaper

dining room..

living room..

our kitchen. praise whoever invented dishwashers. now if only we had one!

the favorite room...eventually my scrapbooking room/library

david showing off his "uggs"....they're actually my dad's old pumas. i had a funny video of him dancing in them i was going to share as well but he stole my camera deleted it. i wasn't happy.