Friday, October 3, 2008


I've always been the type of person who loves to think of projects. I'll get this great picture in my head of how I want everything to look and how it's going to be so much fun and easy. Then every single time, once I start my "great" project, I quickly realize how difficult it's going to be and start wishing I had never began. Kind of like when you start to clean your house, but then as you're putting something in a drawer you start to clean out the drawer and then make an even bigger mess than what you started with.

So tonight was one of those nights. I've been wanting to rip up the carpet in our living room for awhile now, but David kept trying to persuade me it wasn't as easy as I thought. I finally talked him into letting me, so tonight I tried to conquer this task. I got about 10 minutes into it before I realized it wasn't easy and it sure wasn't fun. My dining room is now full of all our living room furniture and Paxson was scared to death of the shop vac. Christen is coming tomorrow to help me, so hopefully that will make this project better (hopefully she doesn't see this picture before then or she might change her mind!).


On another note, Paxson found his little thumb! And he is rolling over from his back to his tummy. He also slobbers like crazy and his poop is really starting to stink. Oh and he loves airplane time.

He will put anything and everything in his mouth.

I Love this picture..

He thinks he's big enough to sit up.