Thursday, September 4, 2008


I can't believe how big my little boy is getting. He'll be 3 months on Sunday! Everyone says it goes by fast but you don't really understand until you're experiencing the real thing! David and I are enjoying every minute. Here are some updated pictures....finally!!!!

His 2 month shots =( He did really good. I held his hands and I think it hurt me more than it hurt him.

Our before church photos. We have to always find a way to walk in just a little late.

He loves tummy time....usually.

Wearing his shoes his Daddy picked out..

Sorry this picture is a little x-rated. Pax loves his bathtime! He probably just sits and wonders where his parents came from as I continually sing "srub a-dub-dub three men in a tub" and David catches his pee in a cup.

It seems as though Pax already has his daddy's legs. He may have been born the smallest, but I believe one day he will be large and in charge compared to Cam and Evan! =)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rolling over...

Paxson is getting SO big! He loves to tell us about his dreams when he wakes up =) He just talks and talks and has the cutest smile in the world. He's perfect. Oh and he officially rolls over every time we put him on his belly...

Hopefully I"ll get some more pictures up tomorrow!

Paxson's First Cubs Game!

Paxson and I got David tickets to the Cubs/Cards game for his birthday. We drove up the night before to stay with Michelle. Brad and Christen decided to drive up and try to scalp tickets. Somehow they ended up getting seats about 15 rows in front of us! Then the people behind them never showed up so we all got to sit together. To make it even better the Cubs won!

On the metra that we were just barely on time for! (imagine that)

the standard Wrigley Field photo..Paxson is hiding in his sling

Cameron was such a nice cousin..he gave Paxson his hat the he also wore to his first Cubs game

Paxson stayed awake for almost the whole game and he was such a good baby!

But I think he was worn out after the extra innings...